Hathaway Mill Antiques is an antique lover’s heaven, offering a very unique shopping experience. Sun streams in through huge windows, 16-foot ceilings add a sense of grandeur, exposed brick – all add to a wonderful browsing experience. The multi-dealer antique emporium boasts over 75 quality displays, making it one of the largest antique destinations in Northern New England. It truly is worth a trip from anywhere. Our friendly and very knowledgeable staff is here to ensure every visit you make is a pleasant one. We love answering questions and talking “antiques”!
Our History

Deborah J. Stufflebeam - Manager
Deborah J. Stufflebeam is the manager of Cabot Mill Antiques. She is the mother of six and grandmother of twelve. The family lovingly refers to themselves as the Brady Bunch.
Deborah has worn many professional hats beginning her work career in the 1980’s as a spinner in the Carlton Woolen Mills in Winthrop Maine.
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Deborah J. Stufflebeam - Manager
Deborah J. Stufflebeam is the manager of Cabot Mill Antiques and Hathaway Mill Antiques. She is the mother of six and grandmother of twelve. The family lovingly refers to themselves as the Brady Bunch. Deborah has worn many professional hats beginning her work career in the 1980’s as a spinner in the Carlton Woolen Mills in Winthrop Maine. She has worked in food and beverage management at The Augusta Country Club in the 1990’s, was a conservation technician and has been proprietor of two businesses: Country Basket Creations and Primitive Dwellings antiques and gift shop. Deborah was born in Gardiner Maine and then moved to Lakeville Massachusetts with her family where they lived until she was 12. She adored the Lakeville General Store as it was from the late 1800’s and still had the original counters and old oak refrigerators with glass door fronts where she could buy penny candy and soda. Deborah moved to Maine when she was 12 and lived in a lakeside lodge on Annabessacook Lake in Monmouth where she continued to appreciate antiques and the craftsmanship that goes along with them. Deborah continues to live in Monmouth today. She attended Monmouth Academy as did all of her children. Deborah’s exposure to antiques began at a very young age during summer vacations to her Auntie Margie’s farm in Cannon New Hampshire. Deborah spent many wonderful hours surrounded by period furnishings in the old farm house and many summer afternoons playing in the big old barn with its exposed hand hewn beams and riding on the “Hurry Up” hay wagon through the fields of the New Hampshire Mountains. Her love and appreciation for the quality, craftsmanship and workmanship in period furnishing came to life while working as a conservation technician in the late 80’s for well known antique furniture and architectural conservationist Stephen Weston. Deborah’s love for fashion, decorating, antiquing, cooking, and event planning have inspired much of the updates and special events here at Cabot Mill Antiques. Deborah along with the assistance of her daughter Samantha produced the first Fort Andross Antique Show in 2011 and continue to host the event every February. Deb and Samantha also host a complimentary Mother’s Day Tea every year and execute the Cabot Mill Antiques annual Anniversary Extravaganza! Deborah’s innovative approach to marketing has helped to earn Cabot Mill Antiques the title of Best Antique Dealer of MidCoast Maine for two years running! Deborah has been working at Cabot Mill Antiques for 11 years. She started in July of 2003 as a sales clerk and quickly moved her way up the ladder within the company becoming Manager of Cabot Mill in 2006. Deborah is the First Vice President of the Maine Antiques Dealers Association and also the chair person for the Special Events & Fundraising committee for MADA. She is also the Coleman Burke Event Gallery space manager at the Fort Andross Building in Brunswick. Deborah loves working with the antique dealers and customers. She particularly enjoys creating, coordinating and hosting special events for Cabot Mill Antiques. Deborah enjoys antiquing, looking for the next great find, interior decorating, family gatherings, cooking, fashion and relaxing near the ocean. Deborah collects primitive country furniture, pewter, yelloware, redware and salt glazed pottery. Deborah is available by appointment Monday – Friday 10am to 5pm or via email at info@Hathaway.com
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Samantha L. Stufflebeam - Assistant Manager
Samantha L. Stufflebeam is Cabot Mill Antiques Assistant Manager. Her work experience and love for antiques started well before she arrived at Cabot Mill in 2007. She began her passion with Deborah Stufflebeam (the Manager of Cabot Mill and also Samantha’s mother) as a child age 7 traveling from shop to shop in central Maine looking for those lost treasures and shiny trinkets.
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Samantha L. Stufflebeam - Assistant Manager
Samantha L. Stufflebeam is Cabot Mill Antiques Assistant Manager. Her work experience and love for antiques started well before she arrived at Cabot Mill in 2007. She began her passion with Deborah Stufflebeam (the Manager of Cabot Mill and also Samantha’s mother) as a child age 7 traveling from shop to shop in central Maine looking for those lost treasures and shiny trinkets. In helping Deborah with her shop Primitive Dwellings when Samantha was just 8 years old, her passion grew stronger for not just the merchandise but the customers and the hunt to find the inventory. Samantha started work at Cabot mill Antiques in August 2007 as just a part time helper working during her summer break from school. She quickly found she had a knack for the job and continued to work her summers at Cabot Mill. Samantha has grown with the company not only in age but position. She considers the staff and dealers here as family. She arrives each day with a smile on her face and a to-do list to finish. She knows all the Cabot Mill dealers by name and many of the customers as well. Samantha also knows many of the states antique dealers as she is a member of the Maine Antiques Dealers Association with her mother Deborah whom is the first vice president of the Association. Samantha graduated Monmouth Academy in 2009 and also attended the University of Southern Maine in Gorham and decided she just couldn’t stay away from Cabot Mill and started working full time since. As being from a younger generation Samantha has brought a light hearted and fresh view to Cabot Mill Antiques. From helping with the advertising and creating the ads she also decorates the shop with the help of staff for the seasons and holidays. Samantha creates a lot of the shops advertising materials and has developed advertising for Cabot Mill Antiques 60’’ television screen located above their registers. Samantha’s passion for antiques includes everything from kitchen utensils, rolling pins, furniture (mostly country style) and vintage cook books to post cards and her obsession with antique copper. Samantha loves to cook and bake so when a copper pot or food mold comes into the shop she is the first to check it out and sometimes be the one to take it home. She values loyalty, family, hard work, dedication, honesty and first impressions. In doing so she had moved up in the company becoming Assistant Manager and also an administrative assistant to Waterfront Maine LLC whom is the building owner and leasing office for Fort Andross. Samantha considers herself to be a well-rounded young woman who looks forward to the challenges ahead of her and Cabot Mill Antiques. She continues to lend a helping hand in growing the shop and its reaches. “Two heads are better than one”, Deborah and Samantha continue to brain storm everyday on what the next new special event will be and how to bring more customers, dealers and merchandise to the shop. Samantha is available Monday- Friday 10am to 5pm or via email at: sstufflebeam@waterfrontme.com
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Sherrie McIntire
Sherrie McIntire is both a Maine and Massachusetts native. Sherrie is Deborah Stufflebeam's sister. She was born here in Maine and her family moved to Massachusetts when she was a young teen. Massachusetts is where she lived and raised her children. She moved back to Maine in 2012 and is enjoying what our Vacationland has to offer. Sherrie has a son Eben Bumpus and a daughter in-law who is also named Sherrie. She has two granddaughters Elizabeth and Hannah. Sherrie enjoys being at the beach soaking up the sunshine, painting, doing crafts and cuddling with her dog Buffy. Sherrie has worked with her sister Deborah since 2012. Sherrie says she learns something new about the world of antiques everyday.
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Sherrie McIntire
Sherrie McIntire is both a Maine and Massachusetts native. Sherrie is Deborah Stufflebeam's sister. She was born here in Maine and her family moved to Massachusetts when she was a young teen. Massachusetts is where she lived and raised her children. She moved back to Maine in 2012 and is enjoying what our Vacationland has to offer. Sherrie has a son Eben Bumpus and a daughter in-law who is also named Sherrie. She has two granddaughters Elizabeth and Hannah. Sherrie enjoys being at the beach soaking up the sunshine, painting, doing crafts and cuddling with her dog Buffy. Sherrie has worked with her sister Deborah since 2012. Sherrie says she learns something new about the world of antiques everyday.
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The Hathaway Shirt Man
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The Hathaway Shirt Man
"The man in the Hathaway shirt" Legendary ad man David Ogilvy ran through 18 concepts for shirt-maker Hathaway's ad campaign before deciding on Baron Wrangell & the eye patch idea. Here's an excerpt from "Ogilvy on Advertising" on how Ogilvy was led to the idea: "In 1947, Harold Rudolph, who had been Research Director in Stirling Getchel’s agency, published a book on the subject. One of his observations was that photographs with an element of ‘story appeal’ were far above average in attracting attention. This led me to put an eye-patch on the model in my advertisements for Hathaway shirts. The eye patch conveyed an aristocratic aura and story appeal of the Hathaway man." Hathaway had been making shirts for over a century, but were barely noticed. Ogilvy used the image of Wrangell with an eye patch to grab the reader's attention & draw them in to find out who this mysterious man was. The headline "The man in the Hathaway shirt" goes along with this mysterious ploy, but doesn't reveal anything on initial glance, thus getting them to read the ad. This is widely considered one of Ogilvy's greatest campaigns.
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