Hathaway Mill Antiques
Hathaway Mill Antiques invites you to feel the love with our
Valentines Gift Basket Drawing!

Sign up for a chance to win a hand crafted Valentine’s Gift
Basket, a Romance Starter Kit full of almost everything you’ll need for the
perfect Valentine’s Dinner for Two!

It’s Free & It’s Fun! See in store for details.
While you’re in signing up, be sure to browse around our
10,000 square foot showroom. With thousands of quality authentic antiques
you’re sure to find the perfect gift that says I love you!
Hathaway Mill Antiques is located at 10 Water Street in
Waterville in the former Hathaway Shirt Factory mill.
Discover the Gem that is, Hathaway Mill Antiques!
Hathaway Mill Antiques is well lit, clean and organized.

Hathaway Mill Antiques is open daily 10am to 5pm.
To keep up to date on the freshest merchandise to events
like and follow them on Facebook & Instagram! Visit us at hathawaymillantiques.com
Hathaway Mill Antiques, give a gift of love this Valentine’s
Day! Hathaway mill antiques 10 Water street Waterville.